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JMG Solutions
1055 Shawnmarr Rd #65
Mississauga, ON L5H3V2

A.K.A. raisin and the Super Importer Exporter

 In addition to the normal features of the Super Importer Exporter, here are some that are very specific to A.K.A raisin:

  • Using the A.K.A. raisin API to automatically download the data with one click
  • Use the optional scheduler to run imports off hours with the API (On Premesis clients only)
  • Imports Constituents and Gifts at the same time
  • Map all donation data into Raiser's Edge as per your SOP
  • Gifts can be imported into batches or right on gift record (as per your SOP)
  • Campaign/Fund/Appeal/Package information can be defined based on data within raisin.
  • Ability to create or link donation to existing tribute
  • Registration for Events can be added or linked to constituent
  • For events and peer to peer, donation can be linked to registrant (With Events Module or without)
  • New recurring gifts are created right on the Gift record and payments are added to the batch

You can view the A.K.A. raisin to Raiser's Edge Integration Video